
Distractions: Pumpkin Muffins and Eaves Dropping

I'm at Sebastian Joe's in Linden Hills studying.  As I ordered my coffee, I noticed a cranberry pumpkin muffin in the glass case by the register, but I passed on the muffin knowing very well that it would put me over the calorie limit for the day.  I sat down to study, but all I could think about was that damn muffin.  I decided to get it.  The man gave it to me for 60 cents.  Nice man.  It is well worth the calories and 60 cents.

Also, I thought I should add this...So many of you may know that I am a terrible eaves dropper.  I can't help but stare at the people I am eaves dropping on, because I become so engulfed in their conversations.  I love to eaves drop in coffee shops almost more than anything else.  People's conversations - especially taken slightly out of context - are always so fascinating.  While I was sitting here, I was eaves dropping, and the people said something that made me laugh out loud.  The two couples sitting at the table heard my cackle and looked over at me acknowledging my eaves dropping.  I simply shrugged my shoulders and said,"Sorry, I couldn't help it."  Oh geez.

Now, back to the books.

I love you.

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