
Fine Print

The guy at US bank said it would be more convenient for me if the bank sent my statements to my parent's home instead of my address at school. Ok, he must know best. I was just home for thanksgiving and my mom was like, "You need to talk to US bank; you over drafted" Ouch. One thing you must know about me is that I am a religious checkbook balancer. There is no way on this earth that I could have over drafted. Apparently I overdrafted on 2 items. There was a $33 charge on each. So I was $66 in the hole. Yeah that stinks, so I went down there today to work it out. Apparently they charge you $7 for every day you neglect to take care of the issue. Since I don't recieve my statements, I didn't know about this until this weekend and wan't able to take care of it until today. At the end of the conversation with the bank teller I asked how much I owed. Are you sitting down? $150. Unbelievable; I cried. In fact, I'm still crying. I forgot to record one transaction that I still have the reciept for. The first time in the 3 years that I've had a checking account. US bank has no grace.

Don't you hate those days that you just pray and pray for a blessing because you know that's the only way you can make it. It's one of those days, and I haven't seen a blessing yet.


Bucks and Boots

So I recieved my UGG boots in the mail. Yeah the ones I ordered a MONTH ago. It's funny how I can be so in love with a pair of boots that put the UGG in UGGly. Maybe it's the comfort factor. Yeah. That's it.

Big Buckeye v. Michigan game today! I'm not watching it because I am spending my Saturday studying for my Bio test on Monday! Let's see if I can pass this one. Did you know the little Buckeye mascott has a name? He does...it's Bruetus (HM?). People in Ohio are crazy when it comes to Buckeye Football. They seriously idolize it. Heaven forbid that you may step infront of the TV during the game, because there is a very likely chance that you may be hurt by your friends and family. Yesterday I walked into my Biology class late (it's 8 am, give me a break) and everyone was standing up listening to a song. Unsure of the song at first, I put my hand over my heart. Then I realized what we were giving our respects to...OSU. It was definitely the OSU fight song. Professor Jones then explained why he did this, and I quote, "I was walking past one of the nursing classes the other day when they were taking a test, and up on the power point was Michigan State. And I thought to myself 'How can anyone take a test in this sort of learning environment' So now I'm getting my payback!" I am so thankful that I have a Biology professor that cares about my learning environment. He's so thoughtful to get us all smart by soluting the Buckeyes! Oh Boy.


Caribbean Pink

The other day I was reading this book my mom had suggested: The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. It's an amazing novel. A quick read too. I would love to go into the litterary details of the book, but it leave us both better off to just have you go and read it. Here's a short conversation between a girl named Lily, and August, an elderly Beekeeper.

"There is one thing I don't get," I said.
"What's that?"
"How come if your favorite color is blue, you painted your house so pink?"
She laughed. "That was May's doing. She was with me the day I went to the paint store to pick out the color. I had a nice tan color in mind, but May latched on to this sample called Caribbean Pink. She said it make herfeel like dancing a Spanish flamenco. I thought, 'Well, this is the tackiest color I've ever seen, and we'll have half the town talking about us, but if it can lift May's heart like that, I guess she ought to live inside it.'"
"All this time I just figured you liked pink," I said
She laughed again. "You know, some things don't matter that much, Lily. Like the color of a house. How big is that in the overall scheme of life? But lifting a person's heart -- now, that matters. The whole problem with people is--"
"They don't know what matters and what doesn't," I said, filling in her sentence and feeling proud of myself for doing so.
"I was gonna say, The problem is they know what matters , but they don't choose it. You know how hard that is, Lily? I love May, but it was still so hard to choose Caribbean Pink. The hardest thing on earth is choosing what matters."


Rainy Days

Hmmm. Who would have thunk that it would take me a year to figure out how to sign in to this thing. I think I'm quitting xanga. I'm sick of it. So from here on in....this is where you'll find out about me.

Last night it rained really hard. It wasn't cold by any means, just wet. I met a friend for coffee around 10 last night then had to come back in the rain. I love the moments when you realize that no matter how fast you go, you're still going to get wet. My sprint home from Viccinos turned into a walk that had a little bounce to it. There is a type of joy that can be taken from those moments, or you can complain and ruin the moment. Life is wet, and there's nothing we can do but enjoy what comes our way.