

Tuesday:  This is my Monday this week.  Yesterday - my actual Monday - didn't really count as the most painful day of the week (as Monday is designed to be).  However today I must work from 1:00-10:00 thus making it a painful day.  Nevertheless, I am thankful to have a job even if it is only part-time.  

I spent most of Sunday and Monday visiting Nate in Eau Claire.  I enjoyed myself.  It was fun to see and experience some of his "other life" as I like to call it.

In our down time this weekend, Nate had me watch a couple of episodes of How I Met Your Mother.  Two episodes in and I was hooked.  Before coming home last night, I swung by Blockbuster and picked up the rest of season one.  After dinner I watched the rest of season one.  Yes, I watched an entire season of How I Met Your Mother in 24 hours.  Apparently I need to pace myself with the rest of the seasons, so I am waiting to begin season two.  

Tomorrow I need to pick up the job search again.  I have taken about four days off and I need to catch up.  Looking for a job is a lot like having a job except you don't get paid.  Lame.

My Utmost for His Highest was good today.  It was fitting.  Perhaps I'll post it later.

Until then...XOXO

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