
Mac is Home

I know this whole grandpa thing has been taking up the majority of my posts as of recent.  He passed away last Saturday morning at 5:30; my mom and grandma were with him when we took his last breath!  He is singing praises in heaven today and forever.  The funeral is today at two o'clock.  It's funny to see people's reaction to us as we speak of Mac's death.  For most, and especially those who do not put their confidence in Christ Jesus, death is a time of mourning.  Yes, the end of a life is sad, but it is also the beginning of eternity.  Mac had alzheimers and for the past couple of months he has been nothing more than a vegetable - something he never wanted to be.  So having his body on this earth with no mind was more painful for Gloria and our family than knowing he was with his Savior.  We are filled with joy as he has been taken home.

I have to sing at the funeral today.  I haven't sung in front of people since high school.  I'm not super stoked, but Old Rugged Cross is Mac's favorite hymn and I happen to like it myself.  Thanks to Amanda and my dear Nate for doing it with me and taking the edge off.  As Gloria said, "Don't be nervous; we're just presbyterians."  

Pray for Gloria.  God is good!

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