Now a personal message to my BFF:
I am sorry, but I couldn't help it. I love you.
Sarah Jean
"Anyway, the young officer had mercy on me and let me off with a warning and a citation that said I didn't have a valid proof of insurance on me, but I can call the number on the back of the sheet in a week and everything will be stricken from my record."So I called a week later. The citation hadn't been processed. I called every couple days for two months and it still hadn't been processed. So naturally I gave up. Recently I got a notice in the mail saying that I had a court date regarding the citation. What!?! So I called the number on the back of the citation, which I still had saved in a file somewhere. How organized am I? Holler. Get this...the citation still has not been processed. How can I be going to court for a citation that was never processed? I called the number one last time, but instead of hitting number 1 option "to pay for a citation," I hit number 2 "to talk to someone in the office." Apparently Roseville's citation numbers changed. Anyway, nearly a year later I finally figured it out. Statefarm is faxing my information to the court place right now. I am off the hook. Ufda. I think that's all the productivity that is required of me for the day.
"But the LORD still waits for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for him to help them."~Isaiah 30:18